Thursday, November 5, 2009


i was on Game Trailers the other day (a site i hate) and i saw an advertisement for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. the purpose was to promote the game's upcoming port to the Sony PlayStation Portable

this angered me. this angered me a lot

Chinatown Wars was designed from the ground up exclusively for the Nintendo DS. the PSP has already gotten a few GTA portables; essentially little brother versions of their console counterparts; and i guess Rockstar felt it was Nintendo's turn (though i can't begin to fathom the intended audience). the game featured a return to the series' roots: top-down arcade style gameplay accompanied by cartoony graphics. logic tells us that these decisions were made because of the DS's inferior technology. fair enough. at least it's something relatively new. the DS gets its mediocre handheld edition of a popular game; let us move on

well apparently that notion can go straight to hell

i won't bother with the obvious money-grubbing corporate crap. what really, truthfully troubles me is the opening tagline:


these hyperbolic, number-obsessed buzz words are a diseased way of marketing that are becoming a diseased way of thinking, and are destroying not only criticism but consumerism. you see it on sites like IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. the best examples though are our old nemesis, the evil IGN, and the only thing in existence that could possibly surpass that evil... Metacritic

expect a post devoted entirely to this evil soon

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